Links to online resources about HIV structure and function
FightAIDS@Home uses your computer’s idle cycles to assist fundamental research in discovering new drugs, building on our growing knowledge of the structural biology of AIDS.
Specialized Centers for HIV/AIDS-related Structural Biology
Five Centers are currently supported by the AIDS-Related Structural Biology Program at NIAID:
- Center for RNA Studies (CRNA), Alice Telesnitsky, PI
- Center for the Structural Biology of Cellular Host Elements in Egress, Trafficking and Assembly of HIV (CHEETAH), Wesley Sundquist, PI
- HIV Accessory and Regulatory Complexes (HARC) Center, Nevin Krogan, PI
- Pittsburgh Center for HIV Protein Interactions, Angela Gronenborn, PI
- HIV Interaction and Viral Evolution (HIVE) Center, Stefan Sarafianos & Bruce Torbett, PIs